"Crépuscules are works composed for piano. Each Crépuscule has its own story and therefore its own melody. The Crépuscule was created because of the urge to write music that generally contains both dark and light. Inspired by, among others, F. Chopin and C. Debussy, these works are sometimes melancholic and at the same time stimulating and energetic.
Writing a Crépuscule costs me an estimated between 40 and 320 hours of active time, taking into account a 40-hour working week. But the beginning to end of a Crépuscule can sometimes take months to years in terms of creative (thinking) time.
In my view, crépuscules are 'personal thanks' to everyone, including myself, to listen to, enjoy and gain inspiration from or possibly play yourself."
Crépuscules can be listened to on Soundcloud and in a week or 2 soon on several media.
Scores can be purchased here

Crépuscule no.1
The days are dark and cold. The morning comes late and the light does not last longer than is desirable. Drizzle fills the atmosphere and apparently it is up to each and every one to be indoors, indoors with friends and family. From what we know, it is autumn, or it is winter. Whatever it may be, there is little to experience. Even now that it is day on this mundane day. Even though it is already dark, the sun seems to be setting somewhere, invisible through the cloud cover, and it is getting colder. The rain drips silently without a gust of wind and without anyone even noticing, the gentle sound of the piano begins to sound, somber and subdued. For a moment, even the lonely silence of sadness is a sign of hope and peace. For a moment the shivering felt pleasant and I felt aware of the life that exists to live, how can it be that the world turns according to everyone's movements. To being shy by being shy in time, to finding acceptance, worldwide. Where no language can settle, where no language can care about the fact that even time stands still for a moment.
Crépuscule no.2
Perishing from perishing, existence can exist on that which does not come to anyone's mind. In the far-away, the resistance of obstruction overlooks the package of words. Where passages pass through the learning of earlier and later, wherever it comes, the rippling water automatically meets it, so that for you and for me, what matters is that being together, without being together, is together, because no one knows that together is without with but without without.
Crépuscule no.3
See, it's starting to dawn. It starts asking about who or what and starts dancing through the rain. Despite the wet suit, wet feet and bitter cold, everyone sings: "I love you!"
And so it is, and no less, for however the world may turn, there is no morning without night, there is no day without morning, and no evening without day. Even the night cannot exist without evening, even the ticking of the clock cannot exist without time. Even words cannot exist without letters, not even life without confession. To make it bearable, that costs something, but it also costs free and for nothing, because everyone is together. With or without people, with or without a companion, despite everything, each and everyone is in freedom, from themselves and from what a person wants and is allowed, from each and everyone in this world.
Crépuscule no.4
Hi! There you are! The most beautiful thing that moves on earth, the most beautiful thing your father or mother obtained! Love, at first sight, both yours and theirs. Given for everyone, everything is for joy. Given by everyone, everything is there for you. Let you know that never or no one will forget that you are there, a beautiful specimen, a welcome present in the here and now, everyday life and beyond.
Crépuscule no.5
Well, why are the eyes so sad? Has your body been in bad shape? Is it because of the long days, is it because of whether or not you dare, is it because of all those questions that your knowledge calls out so loudly? Come on, come. The solution of knowing is quickly forgotten when it doesn't matter whether the wind is blowing or the weather is bad. Talk to someone else, tell them how much fun it used to be and how things went together just as they do now, because the directing is not similar to déjà vu.
Crépuscule no.6
It is not easy to find that which hardly makes itself known, but is asked with all its might to realize it: yourself. This is for the good of the overall existence. Because no matter how it looks, there is a solution for every problem. Even if it doesn't exist, even if all the words are wrong, even if all traces of the ladder are gone and even if it rains harder than a waterfall spews, there is always hope.
Crépuscule no.7
And hope is what arises in awareness, in man, in animal and in spirit.
Crepuscule no.8
The flow of water, the flow of happiness.
Crepuscule no.9
While working on Crépuscule no. 9 I was extremely energetic. Contrasting with the slower passages. A certain fate that every pianist has experienced. Suppressing your own energy to control yourself to calmness. This is certainly something that radiates in the beginning of Crépuscule no. 9 and certainly something that every pianist can relate to. I have my doubts about whether the second part of this work, the 'faster minimalist part', pleases me. Although I myself believe that it does not fully fit the work, it is possible, according to the composition, that it is taken more to a pleasure than when this work, as intended, is listened to in harmony with the other Crépuscules. Very pleasant piece to play.
Crepuscule no.10
In order to deviate from a certain standard, it makes sense to put a greater focus on dynamics. Although I look with slight dissatisfaction at, specifically, the completion of the work, I find it a nice piece to play because of the fact that a larger dynamic play is visible (and audible). In the story there is not much depth noticeable and before writing the work I only experienced the experience of the 'umpteenth' Crépuscule that I had written, even though I am far from finished developing new(er) works at this time. Despite the somewhat more negative thoughts about the work, the work still has a sturdy form and I am happy with that.